Legal mentions

Custom water treatment specialist



Parc d’activitĂ©s “Les Portes du DauphinĂ©”
51, Rue AmpĂšre
69780 Saint Pierre de Chandieu – France

TĂ©l. : +33(0)4 78 40 20 821
Fax : +33(0)4 78 40 30 17
Mail :

SIRET : 32788813700038
APE : 3600Z
Capital : 200 000 euros

Intellectual property

The site and all the elements the components (graphic elements, images, texts, photographs, videos, brands, logos, etc …), are protected by the laws concerning Intellectual Property and are, according to the case, property of SFEC or property of a third party having authorized SFEC to represent them on the site.

Accordingly, no representation, reproduction or copy, partial or complete, can be made without the prior written consent of SFEC.

Any reproduction, use and/or modification that would be made without the prior written consent of SFEC may constitute an act of infringement and be prosecuted before the competent courts.

Any download, reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and / or transformation, partial or complete, or transfer to another site or on any other medium (paper, digital media, film, etc.) are strictly prohibited.

En consĂ©quence, aucune reprĂ©sentation, reproduction ou copie, partielle ou intĂ©grale, ne pourra ĂȘtre faite sans l’accord prĂ©alable et Ă©crit de SFEC.

Toute reproduction, utilisation et/ou modification qui en serait faite sans l’accord prĂ©alable et Ă©crit de SFEC est susceptible de constituer un acte de contrefaçon et d’ĂȘtre poursuivie devant les tribunaux compĂ©tents.

Tout tĂ©lĂ©chargement, toute reproduction, reprĂ©sentation, adaptation, traduction, et/ou transformation, partielles ou intĂ©grales, ou transfert sur un autre site ou sur n’importe quel autre support (papier, support numĂ©rique, film, etc.) sont strictement interdits.

Protection of personnal data

The data collected on the site are exclusively intended for SFEC.

SFEC undertakes to comply with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms and to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of nominative information entrusted. Individuals have a right to access, rectify, and delete such data.

No personal information will be communicated to third-party companies.

Exemption from liability

SFEC is committed to making its best efforts to ensure that the website is accessible at all times. Nevertheless, SFEC declines any responsibility in the event of difficulty of access to its site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes.

SFEC strives to ensure the accuracy and regular updating of information posted on this site. SFEC reserves the right to correct and modify at any time the content of the site without liability being incurred thereby.

SFEC can not be held responsible for items beyond its control and any damage that may be suffered by users, their technical environment, including their computers and the data stored therein, their software, their equipment, their networks (modems, telephone, …) and any material used to access or use the site.

In addition, SFEC can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the site and in particular the fraudulent alteration or access to data and / or the accidental transmission by means of viruses.


Non-personal data is collected during your navigation, by a system of cookies. These files, stored on your computer, allow SFEC to record information about your browsing on our site (pages consulted, date and time of consultation …). Under no circumstances can this data allow us to identify you.

You can oppose the registration of “cookies” by configuring your Internet browser.

Treatment water


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